About IAM
1600 Duke Streeet
Suite 440
Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (USA)
If you have a question about your IAM Membership or joining IAM, please contact membership@iamovers.org.
If you have a question about the IAM Annual Meeting & Expo, please check out IAMmeetings.com or contact IAM@MMSmeetings.com.
If you have questions about IAM's online directory, the IAM Mobility Exchange, please contact support@mobilityex.com.
If you have questions about IAM Learning, please contact iamlearning@mobilityex.com.
If you have outstanding invoices owed by another IAM Member, please send the details of the unpaid debt to rpp@iamovers.org or submit a claim here.
For general inquiries, please contact info@iamovers.org.
Recognize Excellence
Induction into the IAM Hall of Honor is the highest distinction awarded by our membership. Nominations for the Hall of Honor may be submitted by any IAM member, client or customer.
Nominate someone today online or email HOH@IAMovers.org with questions.